Friday, May 8, 2009

Thanks To All The Roommates I Had

Because those people helped get me here too.

John Noboa, thanks, even though you tried killing me by throwing a dresser drawer at me.

Kevin Hoos, even though you love Duke (despite the fact that they suck) and you probably hate that I'm a bandwagon Blackhawks fan.

Marcus Lathan, two words: Music Wars. There isn't a day I don't come home and think to myself "One, two, three, four I declare a music war."

Steven Luschen, thanks for too much. The use of your car (P.S. I still have your extra key). The use of that bottle of whiskey that one Valentine's Day night my freshman year. For lifting my spirits while imbibing spirits on school nights. And for introducing me to Firefox and country music that doesn't suck.

And why Bar Refaeli via Chickipedia? Well, why not?

That's all the thanks I got for this site. For more, check out my tumblr blog.


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