Friday, May 8, 2009

Thank Yous: The Ones For SIU Media Relations Folks And Other Media Peeps

Underrated and overworked, the SIU Media Relations folks deserve a shoutout. If only because Kyle Herm Appreciation Day got rained out.

Actually, I'm posting this one earlier than expected because I know Kyle's got a busy day in front of him. So this is my official thank you to Kyle, who put up with my phone calls, questions, comments and concerns when it came to golf and softball. The man's on point at all times and will be hard for media relations director Tom Weber to replace.

So, I guess this if where I thank Tom for setting up basketball interviews and road game accommodations. For laughing at me for bringing a baseball glove to football interviews before I had to go softball class. And for allowing me to ask questions when I wasn't a deadline reporter and he had asked for questions from reporters working on deadline only.

Shoutout to Jeff Honza for all the football and baseball info.

Very, very, very special thank you goes out to my two favorite ladies: Megan Kramper and Beth Miller. Megan and I worked together at the DE for a semester and had to deal with my North Carolina gloating. She also had to put up with my frozen balls in "her" freezer. As well as dealing with my crap on the media relations side, too. I love her for that. And everyone knows how much I love Beth. Even though she is a Cardinals fan, she's one of the nicest and most genuine people anyone could know. And she's knowledgeable and passionate about Saluki sports. Thanks to Beth for dealing with me when it came to tennis, golf, at practices, interviews and elsewhere.

Additional Thanks Goes Out To:

  • Saluki AD Mario Moccia, who met with me every week and answered every one of my questions with detail.
  • "The Voice Of The Salukis" Mike Reis for being the best play-by-play guy in the Valley. I learned a lot from his calls before I got on the DE staff and when I joined the media, it was an honor to work with him and his partner Greg Starrick. Their calls of Saluki hoops makes it worth buying the Saluki All-Access package.
  • Mike Williams, the Indiana State Sports Information Director, who killed about a dozen bees in the McAndrew Stadium press box during the SIU/Indiana State football game and for getting me a courtside seat behind Chris Lowery in Terre Haute, Ind., for the basketball game.
  • Rick Kindhart, the SID for Missouri State is arguably my favorite SID in the Valley. He helped me get situated in the new JQH when I showed up pretty much unannounced. Same for football. He also got me in contact with MBB assistant coach (and former Saluki great) Kent Williams. And he sent golf and softball media guides to me. Thanks, again. Hat tip to you Rick.
  • Todd Hefferman ... it's not everyday you give a hat tip to the competition ... but that guy and I have stories for days from our travels in the Valley. And because he left the MVCs early, yours truly had a courtside seat (front row) to see The Osiris Eldridge Show.
  • The Sports Staff at the Daily Vidette. Good kids who remind me of me: passionate about sports and damn good at writing about it.
And a blanket thanks to everyone else.


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