Sunday, April 26, 2009

Watch My Feet: Bulls Back In Black

For a team without a traditional low-post presence and without a traditional head coach (you know, like one that has experience), it only made sense that one of the Chicago Bulls' mottos coming into this season must have been "Tradition Be Damned."

A long time ago, at a bar stool far, far away, this basketball fan was shocked, awed and appalled to see the new-look Bulls with a new look on their feet. That's right, black shoes.

No matter how cool they were, the Bulls were forbidden to wear black shoes during the regular season back in the day, when men were men and Rodman dressed as a woman (once). It was a privilege to wear the black sneakers, so they only did it in the playoffs. And sometimes, tradition is cool. Like the Yankees not shaving. Or the Raiders drafting poorly. So to see the black shoes in a meaningless regular season hurt my eyes.

Then to see them sport white shoes at home in the playoffs and then proceed to get smashed by the shorthanded Celtics ... to be honest ... it was fitting. I called them out, and apparently, so did others.

And at noon, the Bulls will be back in black.

The Bulls already had trampled on the tradition a bit by wearing black shoes for most road games during this regular season and white shoes at home. For continuity's sake, that's why they went with white shoes in Game 3. But longtime equipment manager John Ligmanowski confirmed the Bulls would be breaking out the black shoes for Sunday's Game 4 matinee.

Five other things the Bulls should consider bringing back for Game 4 against Boston:
  1. Defense
  2. Rebounding
  3. Ben Gordon's jump shot
  4. Phil Jackson (to coach)
  5. Ray Clay (for pre-game introductions)

Black is back for Chicago Bulls [Chicago Tribune]


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