Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Daily Dosage: Premier Week

The 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals
Big things are happening in my life.

I usually don't get personal, especially during the Daily Dosage, but cool things are happening and I have to share them.

I'm a busy man with a new school schedule with some pretty interesting classes (bowling included) and some classes that downright scare me. But I figure I'll be fine. After four years, any challenge should be met and pwned over time.

As for premier week? Well, we changed some font sizes, colors and types to give the reader a more legible product. And professionally, the Daily Egyptian has unveiled a new Web site.

Oh yeah, and Salma Hayek is hot. Carry on.

Quality Linkage:
  • The Sports Lounge makes its debut. [DE Sports]
  • Cowboys fan points gun at Michael Irvin. Proceeds to talk football. [Dallas Morning News]
  • Chris Cooley rocks the Kiss Cam [DC Sports Bog]
  • Yo momma so fat she had to get an MRI at a zoo ... sorry, couldn't help it. [My FOX KC]
  • Why not Wake? [Vegas Watch]
  • SIU looks to conquer Creighton at the Qwest Center. []


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